Call for Papers

Please download the CFP flyer here (Click).

We invite submissions on a wide range of research topics, spanning both theoretical and systems research. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Adaptive and Flexible Industrial Robotics 

Advanced Tool Condition Monitoring

Agriculture Robots 

AI applications in Business, Industry and Entertainment 

AI Planning for Robotics 

AI-based Clinical Decision Making and Clinical Decision Support Systems

Airspace Control, Traffic and Transportation

Artificial Intelligence and Technology

Artificial Intelligence in Modelling and Simulation

Artificial Intelligence in Scheduling and Optimization

Automated reasoning

Automation, Mechatronics and Robotics

Autonomous Vehicles 


Business Intelligence 

Business Intelligence in Health Care

Business Process Intelligence

Cognitive Robotics 

Computational Chemistry and Biology

Computer Vision and Object Recognition 

Concurrent and Parallel Processing

Coordination in Robotics 

Deep Learning

Diagnostic Assistance

Distributed Intelligent Processing

Electronic Health Records

Evolutionary Design

Evolutionary Robotics and Reactive Intelligence 

Evolutionary Scheduling and Optimisation

Expert Systems

Field Robots 

Fuzzy Computing with Words

Fuzzy Control

Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy Optimisation

Genomic Data

Human-robots Interface and Interaction 

Humanoid Robotics 


Hybrid Learning Models and Methods

Image Recognition and Interpretation

Intelligent Avionics

Intelligent Buildings and Warehouses 

Intelligent Business Decisions

Intelligent Data Analysis

Intelligent Data Mining 

Intelligent Database Systems

Intelligent Devices and Instruments

Intelligent Traffic Engineering

Intelligent Transportation Systems 

Intelligent Web­based Business 

Knowledge Discovery

Knowledge Engineering

Knowledge Processing

Machine Learning

Medical Knowledge Engineering

Mobile Robots Localization and Navigation 

Modelling and Simulating Complex Robots 

Multi-agent Systems

Multi-Robot Systems 

Multimedia Processing Techniques

Natural Language Processing

Neural Network Theory and Architectures

Next Generation Networks

Prudent Financial Management

Real-time Reactivity 

Robot Behavior Engineering 

Robot Learning and Adaptation 

Robotic Surveillance 

Robotics and Related Fields

Secure Software Systems

Sensor Fusion

Sensors for Intelligent Manufacturing and Artificial Intelligence

Unmanned Aviation and Intelligent Drones

Reasoning with Medical Knowledge

Case-Based Reasoning